Simple Affordable Exclusive Light Piece


Personal Light Piece

I think we all have had that moment at the mall or in a store front that we've stopped in awe of the display, especially at Christmas time.  Frequently what we are seeing is a grouping of similar things arranged in this isolated area thus making the greatest impact. Especially those of us with a little OCD tendencies may find this more appealing.
Have you ever said to yourself if  I could afford a dozen 20.00 each ornaments I too could do this. Or who has time at Christmas to string 25 of those and then take it down later?
Well this is the solution to all of it...
For this tweak you will need a base piece you can group everything together on. This could be as simple as a little framed piece of plywood. I happened to have an older colander on hand so that's what I used.
  • Base piece for your groups of similar items (1 pack acrylic icicles, 2 packs acrylic snowflakes sets of 2) 
  • Strands of paper garland purchasing these can get pricy. If you don't sew this is and option and if you do sew this would be my choice 
  • Lights (3 sets of battery operated LED clear)
  • light colored thread or fishing line to attach your icicles and snowflakes
  • A drill to drill holes for attaching items
  • 2 cup hooks and small wire for hanging base from ceiling
Plan how many items you are arranging and lay them out.  For this one we have 5 icicles, 4 snow flakes, 3 strands of paper garland and 3 strands of lights. Rest your base piece somewhere it is easy to work with it. I used the backs of two kitchen chairs. Placing your décor at multi levels allows you to get a better view from any place within the room.  Once you've decided on locations you will need to drill your wholes to mount them.
This colander worked out perfect I only had to enlarge wholes for the lights.

Tie your décor in place, feed your lights through the wholes. The colander held the batter packs perfect.
Now all you have to do is put two hooks in the ceiling, string 2 pieces of wire through sides of base and hang from ceiling.
Now you have a one of a kind grouped piece that you can hang year after year in one quick step.
Happy Holidays and Happy Tweaking...

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